About Me

About Me

Hi there 👋, I’m Robert Zeng, once named CherishTheYouth.

  • 😉 I have migrated my github to this account, the old account is: CherishTheYouth
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on United Imaging Digital Healthcare Co., Ltd.
  • 🌱 I’m currently a novice open-source developer. I’ve been trying to make a modest contribution to element-plus lately.
  • 💬 Ask me about element-plus, I will try my best to give you some help.
  • 🐬 I loving reading source code, I’ve been reading element-plus source code recently.
  • 🐋 I’ve written some source code analysis posts.Such as: Create-Vue 源码解析 / Vue3 源码解析.
  • 📫 How to reach me:
    • ✉(QQ): CherishTheYouth@qq.com
    • ✉(iCloud): zyb.6616@icloud.com
    • ✉(Outlook): zyb.6616@outlook.com
    • ✉(Gmail): robert.zeng.6616@gmail.com
    • ✉(weChat): 15827773695
  • 😄 Blog: CherishTheYouth-掘金 / CherishTheYouth-CSDN / CherishTheYouth-博客园